25+ Powerful Hacks for Copywriters and Editors

The copywriting industry is continually evolving.

While written fiction is regarded by many as a work of art, it is doubtful that anybody thinks the same about advertisement writing.

But I urge you to consider this:

Every copy can be an actual piece of art, on one condition—just like any bestseller, it has to be good. An engaging, smart, and a sometimes funny copy can be as attractive to the reader as a well-written book.

Do you want to create a web copy that leaves such a lasting impression on your readers?

Make them interested in your company, your products, or even your personal experience?

Then you should implement these powerful copywriting hacks into your writing.

Learn copywriting tips and edit ideas that are used by all professionals.

Psychological hacks: Use the science of persuasion

Just like any other advertisement, every web copy has a goal—it wants people to make a particular decision.

But how can you do that and invoke trust in your readers at the same time?

As it turns out, you can use the knowledge uncovered by specialists in the fields of psychology and sociology.

Let’s look at some copywriting tricks that can influence your readers’ minds.

1. Rhyming

Yes, this advice might sound weird at first. But consider how easy it is to remember rhyming slogans.

Who is to say that this technique won’t work for copywriting?

Because, if you pay attention, you may see that it does.

A 2013 study on the impact of rhyme and rhythm showed that rhyming and other literary devices such as alliteration and assonance are used in advertisement writing for a reason—they influence people’s emotional and cognitive perception of the text and its contents. People tend to believe rhymed texts as they sound more accurate to the human brain.

Think about this—how often do teachers use rhymes to help students remember complicated rules?

Boy running

If a child can happily recite “Numbers the same? Zero’s the game!” while doing a math quiz, an adult can surely remember some vague advertisements from five years ago that had a rhyme or a song in them.

While writing a copy, try to implement a rhyme at the beginning or the end of the text to state the main idea.


Rhymes are easy for people to remember.

Furthermore, rhyming words are often seen as more accurate and trustworthy. They help you highlight the main takeaway from the web copy and make it stick.

2. Justification

To make the person continue reading your web copy, you have to explain why it is worth it.

Here, the word “because” becomes irreplaceable. By justifying your suggestions, you appear a more reputable source of advice—after all, you have to understand what you are talking about if you can corroborate your ideas and statements with valid reasoning.

An article by Weinschenk looks at an old study which had a number of people use sentences with and without the word “because” to skip the line to the copying machine.

The results are surprisingly contrasting—94% of people allowed the participants to jump the line because they had a valid reason and used “because” in the sentence.

What’s even more surprising:

93% of the people let the respondents cut the line even though their reasoning was weak.

The absence of “because,” on the other hand, convinced only slightly more than a half of persons—60%.

As you can see, one word can change so much in the text.


The word “because” can greatly impact the readers’ mind and assure them of your correctness. Try to present a reason for every argument made in the web copy and don’t forget to use “because” to make a claim viable, logical, and persuasive.

3. Repetition

Readers should be able to understand the main idea of the copy to be affected by it in the way that you want them to be.

Whether it is a promotion, advice, or a call to action, it has to be clearly represented in the text. But stating your idea once may not be enough for the reader to remember it. That is why you should use repetition.

Don’t be afraid to restate the most vital information throughout the web copy—that way you make it evident that some particular facts are more important than others.

A 2013 article by Cui and Zhao found that repetition is used in the advertisement writing in many languages, including English.

In it, the authors confirm the need to repeat the most significant information of the text multiple times so that the readers memorize it well. For instance, the name of the company and its principal features can be reinstated in the text. It is also possible to restate some unique aspects of the topic that you are describing or point out any striking differences.


Do not be afraid to restate the information you want people to remember from your text. Repetition is the key to promotional copywriting because it unlocks the door to your audience’s memory.

4. Strategic placement

You have already learned which words to use in your copy and how much you should repeat them.

But do you know where to place the most important phrases of the web copy?

It appears that word placement can be strategic—some spots in the text are better for the essential information than others.

Recent statistics show that people’s attention spans are becoming shorter every year.

During this short period, a person can read the heading and scroll through the text.

This means that instead of reading a copy, most people simply skim through it. And that is why you should place information at the beginning and the end of your text.

Even better, try to begin and finish your web copy with the same idea—this way a person will surely remember the essential information.

Use both strategic placement and repetition for a stronger effect.


Put all essential information at the beginning and the end of your copy. Most readers will only remember the first and the last thing that they saw.

5. Freedom of choice

You should make readers feel free to decide whether to buy whatever you are trying to sell or not.

The freedom of choice is a strong motivator for many people because it gives them the sense of operating independently. This method is so compelling that it even has its own name—BYAF (But You Are Free).

By using this phrase after your call to action, for example, you can expect a higher participation rate.

The results of a study by Carpenter show that inserting a phrase “but you are free” at the end of a proposition can double the clients’ response regardless of the type of question. Such results show the psychology behind peoples’ actions which cannot be overlooked.


Openly state that clients have a right to choose whether to engage with your services or not.

The psychological hack of “but you are free” is highly effective in making customers want to participate.

6. Strong words

To generate and retain the interest of a client, you can use some words that are guaranteed to make people continue reading.

Use these simple but persuasive words to create a better copy:

  • You

Forget about using the first person and switch to the second to increase engagement.

While the company, product, or experience you’re writing about is important, the customer should remain at the front of all your efforts.

Businesses are often centered on their clients for a reason—they are critics, buyers of products, and the primary source of income.

So, instead of saying “we offer high-quality products”, write “you will get the best products”. Connecting with your customers and placing them at the top can yield fantastic results.

Side note:

If you can personalize the web copy in any way, be sure to do so.

Address the customers by their names if you know them, and learn some information about their preferences and dislikes.

  • New

New things are always interesting.

Use this word when presenting ideas, concepts, and products but keep in mind that new is not always better.

Such a factor as brand loyalty, for example, has an opposite appeal—people that use the same brand of something are often reluctant to switch to a newer model or service. But if your advertisement writing is about an industry that favors innovation then the word “new” is sure to be a magnet for many customers.

News paper machine

  • Free

It is hard to find a person who wouldn’t like to receive something for free. But remember to use this word cautiously because you need to be able to keep the promise of providing free services.

Also, keep in mind that some persons are only interested in getting free deals and may not continue to build their relationship with a company further.

Nevertheless, this powerful word can bring many new clients on board.

Side note:

The main product or service discussed in the web copy doesn’t have to be free.

You can introduce other items or activities which can be offered free of charge. For instance, free notifications about new deals or products can be appealing to clients as well.

  • Because

The role of the word “because” has already been mentioned above. It is also a powerful word that influences people’s decisions.

  • Now (instant, instantly)

Waiting can greatly reduce customers’ desire to purchase something.

That is why adding such actionable words as “now” or “instantly” can interest them and show your readiness to engage.

Just be sure that these words are not empty and the discussed products or services can be made available to customers right now.

Side note:

Alternatively, allow clients to participate in some processes of a company “now” (mailing lists, pre-orders, information sharing, social media activities) to get the desired product later.


Use such strong words as “you, new, free, now, instant” to attract readers and appeal to their emotions.

7. Engagement

Keep clients engaged with a web copy that inspires interaction after they finish reading it.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, provide some information about the ways to get in touch, and make them want to share the information with others.

Higher levels of engagement along with personification can attract more customers and keep them interested for a long time.

Telling a story may not be enough to satisfy the customer.

Sometimes, it is necessary to create a sense of dialogue to build a stronger relationship and allow clients to know they are a part of the discussion.


Give customers an opportunity to engage with your copy, either by answering questions, reflecting on some information, or sharing it with others.

8. False dilemma

While the tactic “BYAF” lets people opt out of engagement entirely, you can use another way of persuasion to make customers believe in their independence.

This psychological hack creates an illusion of choice by proposing two seemingly opposing variants.

For example, instead of posing a question with a “do it or don’t do it” option, phrase it in a way that asks “do it now or do it later”.

This way, the client still sees a question with multiple choices, but the action itself is perceived as inevitable.

Otherwise called a false dilemma, this method of persuasion is usually mentioned in parenting books as a powerful manipulative technique for talking with children.

However, the examples in marketing are also abundant. Think about the award-winning slogan of MasterCard—“There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.”

This dichotomy clearly invokes a sense of financial security in clients.

Railroad track


Present a false dilemma—a choice that appears valid but persuades readers to agree with your statements.

SEO copywriting: Lead your reader to the right information

No matter how good your persuasive copywriting skills may be, if the text does not adhere to the rules of search engines, the customers are unlikely to find it.

The rules of search engine optimization (SEO) can be used to create a copy which will be noticed by Google and by your customers as well.

Use these SEO secrets to hack the system’s algorithm.

9. Appropriate keywords

Keywords used in the text should reflect its main topic of discussion.

These phrases or words will be typed in by your future readers as they use the search engine in hopes to find some relevant results about some information that interests them. That is why you should choose your keywords attentively.


While you are writing the copy for people, you should also optimize it to be found by machines.

Try to analyze texts that have a similar topic to yours:

Can you see which words appear in the copywriting headlines or at the beginning of the copies?

Furthermore, you can use special SEO tools to find the most appropriate keywords for your topic.

There are plenty online keyword finders on the Internet, and you can also download some programs. Apart from the main keywords, you can use a number of other phrases that are also recognized by the search engines.

You can find them with the SEO tools as well. Try to use the main keyword sparingly as its density is also a factor in the ranking of search results.


Implement specific keywords that readers would use to search for your topic into the web copy’s headline and body of the text.

Use SEO tools to find the most appropriate phrases.

10. Unique content

The issue of plagiarized content is getting more and more serious as new websites continue to appear on the Internet.

Search engines treat identical texts badly, excluding them from the most relevant searches or removing the websites completely. Some websites struggle with protecting their content. Sadly, they can also be damaged by the decisions of search engines.

And while writing about any topic can no longer be completely devoid of repetition, you should always try to create a unique web copy that is not seen by search engines as copied content.

The good news:

There are a plethora of plagiarism checkers available online.


Write unique content and use plagiarism checking tools to avoid search engine penalties.

11. Sharing options

While copywriters usually work only with the written content of websites, this advice can also be helpful for writing copies.

Give your readers some reasons to share the copy with others. For instance, ask a question at the end of the text or introduce a topic for further discussion. This way, some readers may share the copy with others to debate some points.

Another option is to ask people for their personal opinions on the subject of the web copy.

Engaging readers and allowing them to continue the discussion can greatly increase feedback. Sharing and engagement are the pillars of conversion copywriting—the process of turning clicks into customers.


Give people a reason to share your text with others, engage readers with questions and discussion topics.

12. Numbers and data

The use of numbers in the headline and the body of the web copy attracts readers’ attention and makes them read your copy.

This advice is mentioned in every article about copywriting because it works. Headlines with numbers are appealing because they offer some specific information about the text.

For example, before clicking on this post, you knew that you were going to read about 25 (or more) copywriting tips. You clicked knowing that you were going to get exactly what you anticipated.

Statistics show that people read articles with numbers in the headline and the body of the text until the end because they want to see all points made by the author.

Similarly, the use of statistical data in the text provides readers with concrete facts and evidence.

Information presented in numbers seems scientific and reliable. Use statistics and surveys to your advantage and present results of various studies to support your claims.


Use numbers in the headline to attract attention. Implement scientific data and results of surveys into the text to make it seem more reputable.

13. Compelling visuals

Visual representation of the text plays a significant role in the readability of your copy.

Here, pictures and graphics are important as well, but the structure of the text itself can also be considered.

Some more tips:

  • Use bullet points, numerical orders, and space to highlight the most important text.
  • Write short summaries to repeat the main ideas and use different font sizes to separate one point from another.
  • Present some parts of the text with tables, figures, and pictures for an even stronger effect.

People respond well to repeating information if it is presented in different forms.

What does it mean?

Don’t be afraid to be a creative copywriter—use visuals that are unusual and somewhat bizarre to make readers want to know more.

As was mentioned before, people have a short attention span, so graphics and figures may become a good alternative for textual information if it is hard to comprehend.


Structure the text of your web copy to be readable and engaging.

Use tables, graphics, and formatting to present people with a short attention span with as much information as possible.

14. Relevant links

One well-written copy should always contain a number of links to other sources of information and interesting topics for reading.

Link some articles and studies to show the reliability of information. Suggest posts for further reading on the subject of the web copy or link the site of the company for clients to find more helpful facts. Add some other services or products that might interest readers and keep them on the website.

Providing hyperlinks is a form of engagement for readers as well.

Try to use the latest sources and link the most popular pages of the website to drive even more traffic.

Keep customers interested and continue to fuel their curiosity.


Add links to various sources of information to provide proof and keep the reader interested. Hyperlinks are a good way to keep the engagement high.

15. Formatting

Did you notice that many copywriting hacks are based on people’s reading habits and their attention span?

This copywriting tip is not an exception—good formatting can help keep your audience interested.

This is a simple hack:

Format the document to make it more readable according to some online standards.

First of all, you should write in short paragraphs, and include only one major point in a paragraph. This will help your readers to skim through quickly and absolve as much information as possible.

Second, do not be hesitant to put the most important information in bold or italics. Try to use these formatting devices sparingly but remember that they will help the text to be more visually appealing.


Use different formatting to structure the text and make it easily readable.

16. Headings

Do not forget to use various headings and subheadings while writing a copy.

Separating one point from another lets readers look at headings only and get the main idea of the text. That is why lists are much more readable than plain text—people want to look through every point, which keeps them on the page longer.


Implement various headings and subheadings or make lists to help readers with a short attention span to remain focused.

17. Call-to-action

The purpose of every copy is to advertise something and sell it—it is the idea of promotional copywriting.

Texts should inspire people to act—here is where a call-to-action comes into play. You can approach this technique from different angles but remember to use some call-to-action words.

These are usually imperative verbs that encourage clients to take a certain action.

For example, such phrases as “call today” and “contact us now” would work if you are writing about a product or a service that needs a more detailed description.

Other phrases can ask to sign up for a newsletter, order the product, or consider other services of the company.

Try to add such actionable words as now, miss, only, today to create the sense of urgency and imply that the client can do something immediately.


Urge your clients to act by adding call-to-action words and phrases at the end of the text. Or, add a call to action button to increase client participation further.

Editor tips: Create a simple but thrilling text

A professional copywriter cannot write a good copy without some knowledge about editing techniques and rules.

While your advertisement writing should already be improved from the previously discussed tips, these edit ideas will surely make your texts even more appealing to clients. Consider these copywriting secrets to create a killer copy.

18. The first vs. the second person

It is clear that every company wants to flash out its best qualities in every copy.

By using the first person, they hope to achieve the effect of superiority and put themselves on the top.

But the truth is:

Customers may not like it.

For example, a study by Huh, DeLorme, and Reid argues that sentences written in the first person are just not that appealing to readers as many find them pretentious and self-centered.

Then how should you write your web copy?

Well, as you probably noticed, your text should focus on the reader by using second person forms as much as possible.

Around 70 to 80% of all pronouns should be in the second person, while other sentences can use other forms of address.

Of course, the most interesting question here is:

Why does this work?

It is actually pretty obvious as businesses found out this secret a long time ago.

People like to be put first.

By making clients the center of your attention, you ensure that they will choose you as the most caring and considerate person or company out of all other competitors.

So try to rephrase such sentences as “We offer products of the highest quality” to sound like “You will receive the products of the highest quality.” The second example provides a result a person can visualize and want.

You can appeal to someone’s desire to receive the best services and goods by talking directly to them as you are writing an advertising copy.

Here, the idea of dialogue, a meaningful conversation between the client and the company, can be created by a professional copywriter by using a simple “you” in most sentences.


Use the second person in your advertisement writing to put the clients first and turn their attention to the desire to buy or act.

19. Removing the word ‘that’

The word ‘that’ is one of the most used words in the English language. Sometimes, it seems impossible not to use this word in a text.

Sentences can even use it multiple times because it can function as a pronoun, a conjunction, an adjective, or an adverb.

But here’s the kicker:

The usefulness of this word appears irreplaceable. I urge you not only to consider changing it but also removing ‘that’ altogether.

Let’s compare two sentences and see which one should appear in a better copy.

  1.  “I know that you need to change.”
  2.  “I know you need to change.”

Did you notice a big difference?

Me neither.

The point is, by removing ‘that’ you do not alter the meaning of this sentence in any way. Then why would you use it, if it has no purpose in the text?

I am not saying to remove this word from the text completely.

‘That’ is still useful as a pronoun or an adjective in many examples. As a conjunction, however, it can often be removed without any negative consequences.


Try to remove the word ‘that’ from your sentences if it has no actual functional purpose. Its excessive usage complicates the text and adds unnecessary fillers unfit for good copywriting.

20. Short sentences

Many editor tips are based on the attention span of readers.

This advice is not an exception.

You should try to write in short sentences instead of compound ones. By following this recommendation, you can learn to deliver concise and simple thoughts. A professional copywriter forgets the word ‘and’ between sentences (not between parts of one sentence) and replaces it with a period.

Also, try to start the text with a short sentence.

It can grab the attention of readers and ensure them that the rest of the copy will be easy to read as well.

As you may have noticed, simplicity and readability are two recurring themes favorable by people. Just like short paragraphs, small sentences benefit a good advertising copy. So, break most compound sentences you can find and try to put every thought in a separate paragraph.


Don’t use compound sentences if they can be separated into simple ones. Write short sentences and start the text with one as well.

21. Using drafts

Writing an advertising copy is not easy.

Sometimes, the right thoughts just refuse to come into your head. There are moments when one great idea is not enough to complete the text. That is why you should not be afraid of writing in parts and creating drafts.

Write down small ideas to join or rearrange them later.

Keep multiple tabs with relevant topics and suggestions to return to them and look for inspiration.

Don’t be afraid of rewriting your own text again and again because, in the end, you will get it right.

Using drafts also helps if you are working with other people. Let them see a rough outline of your copy and ask for some suggestions and questions.

This way, you may find some inconsistencies and unclear points that should be changed. Also, you may gather some insight from a professional copywriter and come up with new material.

Sometimes, letting the thought-process to wander around for a moment can lead to exciting and unique ideas.

So write them all down and put the puzzle together in the end.


Write drafts and do not be afraid of rewriting your text multiple times. It can help you create a better copy.

22. Proofreading

You should always proofread your works.

This is a piece of advice which seems like the most obvious one, and yet people keep letting unfinished copies to see the real world. So please, do not forget to proofread. Then, do it again. Then, proofread a couple more times.

Here are some recommendations to avoid typical mistakes.

  1. When you finish the text, stand up and leave the room if you can. Forget about the topic for some time and come back. Reread the text and see whether something stands out.
  2. Shift your attention to something different. Then, go back to reread the copy. It can help to clear your mind from memorized structures and phrases.
  3. Give your final web copy to somebody else—they can help you and give a different opinion.
  4. Change the font, size, and color of the text before you read it again.
  5. Read the text out loud.
  6. Use special services such as Grammarly to detect some mistakes you could have missed on your own.


Proofreading is the final step in the work of every professional copywriter. Proofread multiple times and using different methods of spell-checking.

Finishing touches: Make it memorable

Mind-blowing websites always have some small details which are unique to them. These little nuances make the texts interesting and the visuals memorable. Although it is hard to advice on being unique, there are some copywriting tips you can use to join the ranks of real copy-hackers.

23. Experimenting

Before finding the perfect voice for writing each and every advertising copy in a consistent style, you might want to experiment with different ideas.

The Internet is perfect for small and big experiments, as old texts can be changed and new ones have to be added very frequently. So try to mix and match different techniques to find the best combination for your service or product.

For instance, the first few pieces of advice (such as rhyming and the use of strong words) can be implemented in different amounts to see if they work.

Find ways to track customer engagement or put them in text on your personal blog to test them out. Various copywriting blogs follow different techniques, but they all experiment with new material to find the best algorithm for success.


Do not be afraid to use some new techniques in your texts. You can find which ones of them work by experimenting.

24. Leveraging emotions

Different products usually appeal to different human emotions.

The specter of effects does not end on happiness and sadness, as it also contains anger, frustration, nostalgia, disgust, and others. Negative emotions can become as powerful as happiness if channeled correctly. Choose the appropriate emotion for the subject of your copy and encourage the reader to act accordingly.

This is a part of psychological copywriting hacks, but I chose to mention it here as it is unique to the product discussed in every web copy. You should be cautious while picking the feeling you want your readers to express as individuals still respond differently to various triggers.

The public as a whole, however, is usually somewhat consistent. For instance, empathy is strong leverage which can bring communities together and have extremely positive results.


Advertising which triggers particular emotions can have a substantial impact on customers. Approach this technique with caution as it can yield varying results.

25. Establishing a style

Once you learn a lot about copywriting, you may notice that you have a particular style of writing. Alternatively, consider that many companies usually have a certain voice which is recognizable by their consumers and the general public. While some businesses are serious and information-driven, others can take a more comedic, social, or charitable approach.

You as a copywriter can also establish one or multiple styles for your texts. Each of them can have some tactics and devices working perfectly together. For example, rhyming may work in humorous and unofficial texts along with exciting and relevant visuals, while emotion leveraging and statistical information can bring problem solution advertisement writing to the top.


Have a single or multiple styles for different types of killer copywriting. Whether it’s a recognizable personal style or a company-driven approach, it can help gain more returning clients.

26. Embracing change (bonus tip)

The concept of high-quality content changes with time.

You should also grow with it if you want to stay a professional and creative copywriter. This advice concerns all writers as it encourages them to learn continuously. These copywriting tips are outlined by current professionals in the field and supported by studies. But that does not mean that they will always be relevant. As these hacks are updated, you should remember to train yourself as well.

All these suggestions and ideas seem like a lot of effort. Copywriters work to attract customers and make them stay. This article is only a part of what can be learned about advertisement writing.

Remember that you can always find more information about writing on our blog.

And if you want to hire a professional writer, who knows these copywriting hacks inside and out, be sure to visit our website.

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